4 bab ii landasan teori . 2.1 definisi lean . menurut gaspersz (2008) lean adalah suatu upaya terus menerus (continuous improvement effort) untuk menghilangkan pemborosan (waste), meningkatkan nilai tambah (value added) produk (barang dan/ jasa) dan memberikan nilai kepada pelanggan (customer value).lean. dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu pendekatan sistematik dan sistematik. Lean = people using standard process to get results figure 18.3 inconsistency is a problem in manufacturing. 5 henry ford - standards “to standardize a method is to choose out of the many methods the best one, and use it. standardization means nothing unless it means standardizing upward.. Analisis penerapan lean....(w. andrianto dan m. kholil) 299 issn 2088-4842 / 2442-8795 optimasi sistem industri analisis penerapan lean production process untuk mengurangi lead time process perawatan engine (studi kasus pt.gmf aeroasia) wahyu adrianto, muhammad kholil jurusan teknik industri, fakultas teknik, universitas mercubuana, jakarta.
Lean techniques for more than 39 years. his experience spans 20 years with an international oil company where he held a number of management positions. in 1990 he founded quality consultants which teaches and applies lean techniques to small entrepreneurs. Lean startup is a term trademarked by eric ries and represents a synthe-sis of customer development, agile software development methodologies, and lean (as in the toyota production system) practices. the term lean is often misunderstood as “being cheap.” while “being lean” is fundamentally about eliminating waste or being ef!cient with. A lean audit check list in pdf to assess your knowledge or the situation in your company. start with the 5s! here you can find the checklist to start with a successful 5s lean program..

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